Second clean-up campaign starting up
Published: 15.08.2023
Updated: 15.08.2023
Farhan Khan
Senior Researcher
In the coming weeks, Clean Shores, Great Lakes will be conducting clean-ups at Lake Victoria and Lake Nyasa

After the conclusion of our highly successful first clean-up campaign, we are ready to launch our second round of clean-ups. In Phase II we will visit more sites around the African Great Lakes, engage with more citizen scientists and further promote better waste management.
The campaign starts in Lake Nyasa with clean-ups and schools' outreach around Kyela, and will end on World Clean-up Day (September 16) when Clean Shores, Great Lakes will partner with Mwanza City Council.
In the coming weeks we will be in the following areas, look out for details locally to find out the clean-up locations:
Lake Nyasa – Kyela August 1-15
Lake Victoria - Ukerewe Island August 19-22
Lake Victoria - Musoma Municipality August 24-28
Lake Victoria - Mwanza City September 1-12
Clean Shores, Great Lakes partners with Mwanza City Council for World Clean-up Day September 16
As ever, you can follow our progress on our Maps and Results pages.