Arena Recycling Industry showcases their eco-bricks
Published: 15.06.2023
Updated: 19.07.2023
Farhan Khan
Senior Researcher
After an intense cleanup of Mirongo River, Arena Recycling Industry showcased their eco-bricks as a sustainable solution for repurposing plastic litter and helping to solve the housing deficit in Tanzania.

Zagalo Emanuel (Arena Recycling Industry) explaining the eco-bricks to the volunteers and crowd at Mirongo River
These interlocking bricks, made from recycled plastic waste, contribute to a circular economy while minimizing the influx of plastics into our precious oceans and lakes. According to Zagalo:
"The production process of our eco-bricks begins with the careful collection of plastic waste, where we often collect from beach cleanups we organize and from waste pickers. Since we are repurposing plastics into non-plastic products (eco-bricks), almost all types of plastics qualify."
"After collection in our state-of-the-art facility, the waste is then sorted into different groups and shredded into small pieces. These pieces are mixed with sand, which are the key components in the eco-brick. This mixture is then extruded and molded into the desired brick shape using molds. The selection of molds depends on the intended end product, whether it's interlocking bricks or pavement with various shapes. It's important to note that the plastics used in the process act as a binding agent, replacing a significant amount of cement and thereby reducing CO2 emissions."

Eco-bricks produced by Arena Recycling Industry
"To achieve the interlocking feature, precise grooves and ridges are incorporated into the brick design during the molding process. These unique interlocking elements allow the bricks to fit together seamlessly, eliminating the need for additional mortar or cement during construction. After molding, the eco-bricks undergo a curing process, allowing them to solidify and gain strength over time. This curing process ensures that the bricks achieve optimal durability and resistance to environmental factors, including harsh wet conditions."
"With their distinctive design, featuring interlocking features, these eco-bricks not only offer convenience in construction but also provide affordability and exceptional durability. They surpass conventional concrete and traditional clay burnt bricks in compressional strength, making them ideal for various environments, including harsh wet conditions. "

Wall constructed from the eco-bricks produced by Arena Recycling Industry